Blågula Frågor
is a small organization,with the aim to inform and participate
in the debate about migration and other polical issues of importance
to the future of Sweden. Our activity consists mainly in publishing
a magazine and having this site on Internet.
The name means, in direct translation, "Blue-yellow Topics", where the two colours refers to the swedish flag. Which means that we can be counted as a kind of nationlist organization. Which invites to misunderstandings...
Some sites on the Internet list us a "right-wing extreme", "racist" or even "nazi" organization. We claim that to be untrue...
The two leading persons in Blågula Frågor - Jan Milld and Anders Sundholm - both have a leftist and also pacifist background. And contrary to many other enthustiastic leftists from the sixties we have not changed our basic convictions because the political wind started to blow in an other direction. We still hold convictions about democracy, equality, justice, international solidarity and the need for some degree of state planning.
But adhering to "equality" and "international solidarity" does not compel us to favour uncontrolled migration! Equality cannot mean the right for anyone to live anywhere and be supported by the taxpayers in that country.
Furthermore resources are limited and the best way to show international solidarity is not to accept a lot of immigrants - among which few have any background at all as political activists.
And whatever is to be the path for Sweden its own people must somehow be involved. To neglect the opinions of the Swedes - as is now done by the powerelite in media, government and parliament - is certainly not to show "respect". A word that the moralistic elite otherwise uses abundantly. There is so much hypocracy, there is an abyss of madness!
Anyhow, returning to the accusations of rightwingism:
we cannot get into our heads, that just because we see the reality, with its problems and dilemmas, we have to abandon our basic ideas of justice and so on! Claiming that would be to say that you have to close your eyes and shut off your brain to hold on to leftist values in this world, would it not?
We mean:
1. Try to get the facts, see the situation as clearly as possible, state your truth.
2. Try to make the best out of that situation.
The world certainly now faces grave problems, with population explosion and environmental pollution. But the solution to that can never be that the people of Africa and Asia migrates to Europe. Of course not! Each people have to take reponsability for the future of its own country.
Sweden during the last 15 years granted permanent residence to half a million people. For a small country as ours, furthermore facing unemployment and economical problems, that is more than we can afford. Blågula Frågor means that migration has to be restricted more efficiently than has so far been the case.
At the same time we mean that those immigrants that has already come to Sweden and are to stay here must become part of our society. From their own part they must show an ambition to integrate/assimilate, from society they must meet an open attitude. The kind of "nationalism" that Blågula Frågor favours is an including one, not an excluding.
Our Swedish experience is that journalists in general, and massmedia, are not to be trusted. To an alarming extent they take upon them the task to smear dissidents and to desinform the public - not to contribute to a constructive dialog and inform honestly.
This brings us to the National Front of France. In Swedish mass media Le Pen and NF cannot be mentioned - not once - without the epithet "right-extreme". But never ever do they even try to explain what that word means! In what way is Le Pen standing to the right? How is his party "extreme"?
We honestly want to know. But media does not help us. Just as an example.
So, our conclusion of this is: let us - democratic nationalists from different countries - use Internet to exchange facts and information, views and opinions!
Democratic nationalists of all countries - unite!