Fritt fall
Har Sydafrika hamnat "ur askan i elden"? Apartheidregimen var förvisso våldsam, men vart är Sydafrika nu på väg, under ledning av ANC?
1. Brottsligheten är rekordhög, i framförallt Johannesburg.
2. Aids har nått en enorm spridning, genom en manlig kultur av ansvarslöshet och genom president Mbekis förnekande av problemet.
3. Rasismen är utbredd, inte minst inom ledningen för ANC. Således är Mbeki lierad med Mugabi i Zimbabwe, således har olika ANC-ledare gjort aggressiva och kategoriska uttalanden om vita.
Det som hänt i Zimbabwe kommer sannolikt snart att drabba även Sydafrika. En från Zimbabwe invandrad sydafrikan har en webbsida, "Southern Africa in crisis", som här ger mycket information. Den har adressen Ett besök rekommenderas!
Personen presenterar sig med följande ord:
" I was born in Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia), lived there until Mugabe took over and moved to South Africa where I have lived for over 20 years. It has always been obvious to me that there is not one ounce of difference between Mugabe's Zanu(PF) party and Mandela/Mbeki's ANC. Many people who know both countries have remarked on how trends in Zimbabwe precede those in South Africa by 10-20 years. This website and my book are about the deception in both countries, of how they will walk the same path and why, in the end, whites, like the Jews in Hitler's Germany, will be singled out, persecuted, murdered and driven from the African continent as we enter the new, and Second phase of "Liberation".
It should be remembered that from the first, whites in Africa had said that the so-called "Liberation" of Africa was not going to benefit the common black man, and that in the end, it was about a bunch of Marxists/Socialists being placed in power by Russia and China. Blacks in Africa are now far worse off than 40 years ago, and many of them flee to Europe and America in hordes instead of standing their ground and fighting for the principles they supposedly believe in. Most of Africa has fallen into disrepair and become a failure, and yet, one still finds people who somehow want to believe that South Africa will be different, even though the trend since 1994 has clearly shown that we are doomed to the same."
Den rödmarkerade meningen knyter an till den pågående asylinvandringen till bl.a. Sverige. Den blir i översättning: "Svarta i Afrika har det nu mycket sämre än för 40 år sedan, och många av dem flyr till Europa och Amerika i stora grupper istället för att stanna kvar och kämpa för de principer som de ska gälla för att tro på."
På denna faktaspäckade webbsida finns bl.a. en lång artikel i tre delar - "South Africa: Beyond Democracy" - av Dr Jan Du Plessis, geotrategisk analytiker. Denne förutspår att Sydafrika kommer att kollapsa inemot år 2010. Han uttrycker sig inlindat men ändå ganska tydligt när han formulerar sig om orsakerna till den katastrofala nedgång som inleddes i samband med övergången från apartheid till "svart majoritetsstyre": de flesta vita har drivits bort från ledande poster i samhällsförvaltningen, mindre kompetenta svarta har tagit över, korruption och misskötsel har blivit regel. Brottslighet, aids och Sydafrikas växande oförmåga att konkurrera internationellt i en allt mer globaliserad ekonomi gör resten.
Artikeln presenteras så här:
"The following document was produced by Dr Jan Du Plessis a geostrategic analyst in Pretoria. I attended a conference in Pretoria in September 2003, where Dr Du Plessis presented a most fascinating analysis of where he believes South Africa is going in the next ten years.
These documents below are open source documents from Dr Du Plessis. As you will see, these are proper analyses aimed at management of companies who are in South Africa, or who may wish to invest here. These documents describe the major forces which Dr Du Plessis believes will drive South Africa in the next decade.
The reason he calls this 'Beyond Democracy' is because the major forces now taking control of South Africa are things which cannot be controlled at the ballot box any more..."
Artikeln inleds med orden:"Sometimes it becomes necessary to introduce the reader to some new and disturbingshocking information. Unfortunately, now is such a time. There is still some time to reconsider and rectify the situation, but time is running out.
The imminent changes will impact on every government, business, farmer, organisation and household in Southern Africa. No one will escape the impact.
This report deals with the broad developments in the region (part 1). Subsequent papers will deal with individual countries South Africa (part 2) and other countries (part 3).
The concept 'beyond democracy' indicates that a major shift is underway in Southern Africa not only in perceptions, but particularly also in political institutions and the dynamics of society at large.
The present situation in Southern Africa reflects a dynamics where two comprehensive components are constantly interacting. The one component deals with institutional change where institutions such as the African Union (AU) and Nepad are still under construction. The other component comprises issues such as poverty, food shortages, conflict and HIV/AIDS.
'Beyond democracy' implies that the political optimism of the late 1990's in the region has come to an end. Governments increasingly experience delivery problems to societies that have become inherently unstable, are lacking resources and are without skills.
The decay of society in Southern Africa has become so all-embracing that 'democracy' has run out of options and ideas. The typical political election has put state power in the hands of politicians. However, in many cases this transfer of political power did not include a transfer of capabilities to feed the hungry and tend to the poor and sick..."