Den politiska korrektheten har drabbat inte bara Sverige. Här ett exempel från England om uniformsbestämmelserna på British Airways - som uppenbarligen inte gäller lika för alla:
Ur Daily Mail den 14/10 -06:
"Christian BA employee to take legal action over suspension for wearing cross
A committed Christian said today she planned to take legal action against her employers British Airways after the airline ruled that displaying her crucifix breached uniform rules Heathrow check-in worker Nadia Eweidawas sent home after refusing to remove the crucifix which breached BA's dress code. "
"Miss Eweida, who has an unblemished record during seven years at BA, is suing her employer for religious discrimination after being suspended from work without pay for two weeks. She said her treatment was all the more extraordinary as she and fellow employees had just undergone 'diversity training' - including receiving advice from pressure group Stonewall on how to treat gays and lesbians in the workplace.
The airline's uniform code states that staff must not wear visible jewellery or other 'adornments' while on duty without permission from management. It makes exceptions for Muslim and Sikh minorities by allowing them to wear hijabs and turbans.""Miss Eweida, 55, from Twickenham, insisted her cross, which is smaller than a ten pence piece, was not jewellery but an expression of her deep Christian faith. She questioned why she was being forced to hide her religion when BA's Muslim and Sikh workers could express theirs.
Miss Eweida said last night:- I will not hide my belief in the Lord Jesus. British Airways permits Muslims to wear a headscarf, Sikhs to wear a turban and other faiths religious apparel.
- Only Christians are forbidden to express their faith. I am a loyal and conscientious employee of British Airways, but I stand up for the rights of all citizens.
Her case comes at a time of intense debate over the rights of individuals to express their belief - following Jack Straw's call for Muslim women to remove their veils."
Alltså:Flygbolaget diskriminerar mot kristna. Muslimer får i tjänsten bära slöja, kristna får inte ens bära ett litet krucifix.