
Utvecklingen i Australien, med ett utbrett missbruk av asylinstitutionen, har gjort att man där - precis som i Storbritannien - diskuterar förändringar.

"Tougher refugee laws planned" - kärvare asyllagstiftning - så löd rubriken till ett nyhetstelegram från AAP den 13/8 -01:

"THE federal government plans to introduce tough new laws to make it harder for asylum seekers to win refugee status.

Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock said ... the new laws would restore integrity to the Migration Act by tightening the legal definition of the word 'persecution' under the act.

The government has been concerned Australia's courts have been too liberal in their interpretation of what constitutes persecution
when determining refugee applications.

Mr Ruddock said the changes, which would provide for a test to establish serious threat to life or liberty, would bring the act into line
with what he believed the United Nations intended with the Refugees Convention."

"'The Australian government has reiterated its commitment to support the Refugees Convention,' he said.

'However, we cannot support the continued expansive interpretation of the application of the convention which is contributing to the abuse of the asylum system.'"

"'It is unacceptable that people who are able to pay a people smuggler and make their way through several countries where they may avail themselves of protection are getting more favourable outcomes than people languishing in the most appalling
circumstances in refugee camps around the world,'
Mr Ruddock said."

Översättning, i sammanfattning:

Den australiensiska regeringen anser att domstolarna varit alltför liberala i sin tolkning av vad som ska anses vara "förföljelse", och alltför många asylsökande har fått stanna i landet.

Människor som kan betala människosmugglare lyckas oftast få asyl, i kontrast till de som är värre utsatta, i flyktingläger runtom i världen. Det förekommer ett missbruk av asylinstitutionen.

Australiens regering vill ha en snävare tolkning av flyktingkonventionen, mer i linje med den ursprungliga intentionen bakom den.