Vinden vänder?
Ulf Nilson
Ulf Nilson i Kvällsposten den 17 april 1996:
"Siffrorna borde lysa som...varningsignaler i regeringskansliet...:
Ut flyttar kompetens och idéer. In har under en lång rad av år flyttat bidragstagare som på grund av vettlös flyktingpolitik ofta inte lärt sig svenska och därför...är värdelösa på arbetsmarknaden."
"Under de senaste tio-femton åren har Sverige förvandlats från ett utomordentligt homogent land till ett så kallat m ultikulturellt - med ghettobildningar i varje storstad - utan att de som påstår sig styra oss fått igång en hederlig debatt om saken."
"Vad för slags land vill vi att Sverige ska bli?"
I Metro den 21 maj 1996:
"Vad alla arbetlösa...bör veta är att svenska företag i allt större utsträckning lägger den livsviktiga verksamhet som kallas forskning och utveckling utanför Sverige."
"1995...ökade Sveriges befolkning med 23.000 personer. 46.000 invandrade. ..17.000 svenska medborgare utvandrade.
- - -
Sverige har ett problem i megaformat. Ut flyttar hagkvalificerade svenskfödda, in flyttar för det mesta okvalificerade människor från andra länder, nästan alla språkhandikappade och därför i behov av bidrag. Ut flyttar samtidigt toppjobb (forskning) och växtkraft (investeringare).
Kort sagt: krisen är långt djupare och mycket farligare än den politiska debatten visar, huvudsakligen på grund av politiskt korrekta tabun och fega politiker.
Måste det verkligen vara så?"
Av Ulf Nilsson i tidningen Nordstjernan, utgiven av svenskättlingarna i USA:
The Anti-Baby Boom "The news item appeared once or twice on the radio. It was not discussed on TV, or in the newspapers, at least not the major ones, which I checked.
Yet it was the most dramatic news of, literally, a life time.
This year, 1997, for the first time since way back in the last century, more Swedes will die than will be born. In other words, the Swedish born population will be smaller at the end of the year than it was in the beginning."
"In the last two years, 1995-96, Sweden grew at a very feeble rate, only serveral thousand people each year. Since quite a few Swedes chose to emigrate, in both years the increase in population consisted entirely of immigrants.
What this means is not hard to see. Year after year Sweden is becoming - dare I put it this way? - less and less Swedish. .."
"...Sweden, unlike the US, has a long history of geographic and cultural isolation. Until 1930, there was practically no immigration and up to the early 90s a very limited one. Then came the explosion... There are ghettos in all major cities and unemployment among the immigrants is at least twice the national average of about 15 percent. In other words: the situation is catastrophic..."
"...The babies born will, in ever increasing numbers be born in families that Swedes of the old stock like to call 'foregin'... Assimilation has simply not happened. Sweden is, for many reasons, not a melting pot and will become one only slowly and... very painfully.
In fact there is, as far as I know, no planning, not even much discussion, of this situation, which I say again, is already catastrophic and getting worse. The reason the newmedia have largely overlooked the story of the century can be simply stated:
Nobody wants to know the truth. It hurts too much. And in addition, anybody who dares discuss immigration questions in terms of less than glowing enthusiasm is promptly labeled a racist, a reactionary and probably a closet fascist. (Which might be the reason I write this column in Nordstjernan and not in any of my three Swedish papers.)